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import DOMStylesReader from 'minimap/lib/mixins/dom-styles-reader.js'
public class | source



mixto~Mixin → DOMStylesReader

This mixin is used by the CanvasDrawer in MinimapElement to read the styles informations from the DOM to use when rendering the Minimap.

Method Summary

Public Methods

Invalidates the cache by emptying the cache object.


retrieveStyleFromDom(scopes: Array<string>, property: string, shadowRoot: boolean, cache: boolean): string

Returns the computed values for the given property and scope in the DOM.

Public Methods

public invalidateDOMStylesCache() source

Invalidates the cache by emptying the cache object.

public retrieveStyleFromDom(scopes: Array<string>, property: string, shadowRoot: boolean, cache: boolean): string source

Returns the computed values for the given property and scope in the DOM.

This function insert a dummy element in the DOM to compute its style, return the specified property, and clear the content of the dummy element.


scopes Array<string>

a list of classes reprensenting the scope to build

property string

the name of the style property to compute

shadowRoot boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

whether to compute the style inside a shadow DOM or not

cache boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

whether to cache the computed value or not



the computed property's value