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'use babel'

import Mixin from 'mixto'
import {Emitter} from 'atom'
import Decoration from '../decoration'

 * The mixin that provides the decorations API to the minimap editor
 * view.
 * This mixin is injected into the `Minimap` prototype, so every methods defined
 * in this file will be available on any `Minimap` instance.
export default class DecorationManagement extends Mixin {

   * Initializes the decorations related properties.
  initializeDecorations () {
    if (this.emitter == null) {
       * The minimap emitter, lazily created if not created yet.
       * @type {Emitter}
       * @access private
      this.emitter = new Emitter()

     * A map with the decoration id as key and the decoration as value.
     * @type {Object}
     * @access private
    this.decorationsById = {}
     * The decorations stored in an array indexed with their marker id.
     * @type {Object}
     * @access private
    this.decorationsByMarkerId = {}
     * The subscriptions to the markers `did-change` event indexed using the
     * marker id.
     * @type {Object}
     * @access private
    this.decorationMarkerChangedSubscriptions = {}
     * The subscriptions to the markers `did-destroy` event indexed using the
     * marker id.
     * @type {Object}
     * @access private
    this.decorationMarkerDestroyedSubscriptions = {}
     * The subscriptions to the decorations `did-change-properties` event
     * indexed using the decoration id.
     * @type {Object}
     * @access private
    this.decorationUpdatedSubscriptions = {}
     * The subscriptions to the decorations `did-destroy` event indexed using
     * the decoration id.
     * @type {Object}
     * @access private
    this.decorationDestroyedSubscriptions = {}

   * Returns all the decorations registered in the current `Minimap`.
   * @return {Array<Decoration>} all the decorations in this `Minimap`
  getDecorations () {
    let decorations = this.decorationsById
    let results = []

    for (let id in decorations) { results.push(decorations[id]) }

    return results

   * Registers an event listener to the `did-add-decoration` event.
   * @param  {function(event:Object):void} callback a function to call when the
   *                                               event is triggered.
   *                                               the callback will be called
   *                                               with an event object with
   *                                               the following properties:
   * - marker: the marker object that was decorated
   * - decoration: the decoration object that was created
   * @return {Disposable} a disposable to stop listening to the event
  onDidAddDecoration (callback) {
    return this.emitter.on('did-add-decoration', callback)

   * Registers an event listener to the `did-remove-decoration` event.
   * @param  {function(event:Object):void} callback a function to call when the
   *                                               event is triggered.
   *                                               the callback will be called
   *                                               with an event object with
   *                                               the following properties:
   * - marker: the marker object that was decorated
   * - decoration: the decoration object that was created
   * @return {Disposable} a disposable to stop listening to the event
  onDidRemoveDecoration (callback) {
    return this.emitter.on('did-remove-decoration', callback)

   * Registers an event listener to the `did-change-decoration` event.
   * This event is triggered when the marker targeted by the decoration
   * was changed.
   * @param  {function(event:Object):void} callback a function to call when the
   *                                               event is triggered.
   *                                               the callback will be called
   *                                               with an event object with
   *                                               the following properties:
   * - marker: the marker object that was decorated
   * - decoration: the decoration object that was created
   * @return {Disposable} a disposable to stop listening to the event
  onDidChangeDecoration (callback) {
    return this.emitter.on('did-change-decoration', callback)

   * Registers an event listener to the `did-change-decoration-range` event.
   * This event is triggered when the marker range targeted by the decoration
   * was changed.
   * @param  {function(event:Object):void} callback a function to call when the
   *                                               event is triggered.
   *                                               the callback will be called
   *                                               with an event object with
   *                                               the following properties:
   * - marker: the marker object that was decorated
   * - decoration: the decoration object that was created
   * @return {Disposable} a disposable to stop listening to the event
  onDidChangeDecorationRange (callback) {
    return this.emitter.on('did-change-decoration-range', callback)

   * Registers an event listener to the `did-update-decoration` event.
   * This event is triggered when the decoration itself is modified.
   * @param  {function(decoration:Decoration):void} callback a function to call
   *                                                         when the event is
   *                                                         triggered
   * @return {Disposable} a disposable to stop listening to the event
  onDidUpdateDecoration (callback) {
    return this.emitter.on('did-update-decoration', callback)

   * Returns the decoration with the passed-in id.
   * @param  {number} id the decoration id
   * @return {Decoration} the decoration with the given id
  decorationForId (id) {
    return this.decorationsById[id]

   * Returns all the decorations that intersect the passed-in row range.
   * @param  {number} startScreenRow the first row of the range
   * @param  {number} endScreenRow the last row of the range
   * @return {Array<Decoration>} the decorations that intersect the passed-in
   *                             range
  decorationsForScreenRowRange (startScreenRow, endScreenRow) {
    let decorationsByMarkerId = {}
    let markers = this.findMarkers({
      intersectsScreenRowRange: [startScreenRow, endScreenRow]

    for (let i = 0, len = markers.length; i < len; i++) {
      let marker = markers[i]
      let decorations = this.decorationsByMarkerId[marker.id]

      if (decorations != null) {
        decorationsByMarkerId[marker.id] = decorations

    return decorationsByMarkerId

   * Returns the decorations that intersects the passed-in row range
   * in a structured way.
   * At the first level, the keys are the available decoration types.
   * At the second level, the keys are the row index for which there
   * are decorations available. The value is an array containing the
   * decorations that intersects with the corresponding row.
   * @return {Object} the decorations grouped by type and then rows
   * @property {Object} line all the line decorations by row
   * @property {Array<Decoration>} line[row] all the line decorations
   *                                    at a given row
   * @property {Object} highlight-under all the highlight-under decorations
   *                                    by row
   * @property {Array<Decoration>} highlight-under[row] all the highlight-under
   *                                    decorations at a given row
   * @property {Object} highlight-over all the highlight-over decorations
   *                                    by row
   * @property {Array<Decoration>} highlight-over[row] all the highlight-over
   *                                    decorations at a given row
   * @property {Object} highlight-outine all the highlight-outine decorations
   *                                    by row
   * @property {Array<Decoration>} highlight-outine[row] all the
   *                                    highlight-outine decorations at a given
   *                                    row
  decorationsByTypeThenRows () {
    if (this.decorationsByTypeThenRowsCache != null) {
      return this.decorationsByTypeThenRowsCache

    let cache = {}
    for (let id in this.decorationsById) {
      let decoration = this.decorationsById[id]
      let range = decoration.marker.getScreenRange()
      let type = decoration.getProperties().type

      if (cache[type] == null) { cache[type] = {} }

      for (let row = range.start.row, len = range.end.row; row <= len; row++) {
        if (cache[type][row] == null) { cache[type][row] = [] }


     * The grouped decorations cache.
     * @type {Object}
     * @access private
    this.decorationsByTypeThenRowsCache = cache
    return cache

   * Invalidates the decoration by screen rows cache.
  invalidateDecorationForScreenRowsCache () {
    this.decorationsByTypeThenRowsCache = null

   * Adds a decoration that tracks a `Marker`. When the marker moves,
   * is invalidated, or is destroyed, the decoration will be updated to reflect
   * the marker's state.
   * @param  {Marker} marker the marker you want this decoration to follow
   * @param  {Object} decorationParams the decoration properties
   * @param  {string} decorationParams.type the decoration type in the following
   *                                        list:
   * - __line__: Fills the line background with the decoration color.
   * - __highlight__: Renders a colored rectangle on the minimap. The highlight
   *   is rendered above the line's text.
   * - __highlight-over__: Same as __highlight__.
   * - __highlight-under__: Renders a colored rectangle on the minimap. The
   *   highlight is rendered below the line's text.
   * - __highlight-outline__: Renders a colored outline on the minimap. The
   *   highlight box is rendered above the line's text.
   * @param  {string} decorationParams.class the CSS class to use to retrieve
   *                                        the background color of the
   *                                        decoration by building a scop
   *                                        corresponding to
   *                                        `.minimap .editor <your-class>`
   * @param  {string} decorationParams.scope the scope to use to retrieve the
   *                                        decoration background. Note that if
   *                                        the `scope` property is set, the
   *                                        `class` won't be used.
   * @param  {string} decorationParams.color the CSS color to use to render the
   *                                        decoration. When set, neither
   *                                        `scope` nor `class` are used.
   * @return {Decoration} the created decoration
   * @emits  {did-add-decoration} when the decoration is created successfully
   * @emits  {did-change} when the decoration is created successfully
  decorateMarker (marker, decorationParams) {
    if (this.destroyed || marker == null) { return }

    let {id} = marker

    if (decorationParams.type === 'highlight') {
      decorationParams.type = 'highlight-over'

    if (decorationParams.scope == null && decorationParams['class'] != null) {
      let cls = decorationParams['class'].split(' ').join('.')
      decorationParams.scope = `.minimap .${cls}`

    if (this.decorationMarkerDestroyedSubscriptions[id] == null) {
      this.decorationMarkerDestroyedSubscriptions[id] =
      marker.onDidDestroy(() => {

    if (this.decorationMarkerChangedSubscriptions[id] == null) {
      this.decorationMarkerChangedSubscriptions[id] =
      marker.onDidChange((event) => {
        let decorations = this.decorationsByMarkerId[id]


        if (decorations != null) {
          for (let i = 0, len = decorations.length; i < len; i++) {
            let decoration = decorations[i]
            this.emitter.emit('did-change-decoration', {
              marker: marker,
              decoration: decoration,
              event: event
        let oldStart = event.oldTailScreenPosition
        let oldEnd = event.oldHeadScreenPosition
        let newStart = event.newTailScreenPosition
        let newEnd = event.newHeadScreenPosition

        if (oldStart.row > oldEnd.row) {
          [oldStart, oldEnd] = [oldEnd, oldStart]
        if (newStart.row > newEnd.row) {
          [newStart, newEnd] = [newEnd, newStart]

        let rangesDiffs = this.computeRangesDiffs(
          oldStart, oldEnd,
          newStart, newEnd

        for (let i = 0, len = rangesDiffs.length; i < len; i++) {
          let [start, end] = rangesDiffs[i]
            start: start,
            end: end
          }, 0)

    let decoration = new Decoration(marker, this, decorationParams)

    if (this.decorationsByMarkerId[id] == null) {
      this.decorationsByMarkerId[id] = []

    this.decorationsById[decoration.id] = decoration

    if (this.decorationUpdatedSubscriptions[decoration.id] == null) {
      this.decorationUpdatedSubscriptions[decoration.id] =
      decoration.onDidChangeProperties((event) => {

    this.decorationDestroyedSubscriptions[decoration.id] =
    decoration.onDidDestroy(() => {

    this.emitter.emit('did-add-decoration', {
      marker: marker,
      decoration: decoration

    return decoration

   * Given two ranges, it returns an array of ranges representing the
   * differences between them.
   * @param  {number} oldStart the row index of the first range start
   * @param  {number} oldEnd the row index of the first range end
   * @param  {number} newStart the row index of the second range start
   * @param  {number} newEnd the row index of the second range end
   * @return {Array<Object>} the array of diff ranges
   * @access private
  computeRangesDiffs (oldStart, oldEnd, newStart, newEnd) {
    let diffs = []

    if (oldStart.isLessThan(newStart)) {
      diffs.push([oldStart, newStart])
    } else if (newStart.isLessThan(oldStart)) {
      diffs.push([newStart, oldStart])

    if (oldEnd.isLessThan(newEnd)) {
      diffs.push([oldEnd, newEnd])
    } else if (newEnd.isLessThan(oldEnd)) {
      diffs.push([newEnd, oldEnd])

    return diffs

   * Emits a change in the `Minimap` corresponding to the
   * passed-in decoration.
   * @param  {Decoration} decoration the decoration for which emitting an event
   * @access private
  emitDecorationChanges (decoration) {
    if (decoration.marker.displayBuffer.isDestroyed()) { return }


    let range = decoration.marker.getScreenRange()
    if (range == null) { return }

    this.emitRangeChanges(range, 0)

   * Emits a change for the specified range.
   * @param  {Object} range the range where changes occured
   * @param  {number} [screenDelta] an optional screen delta for the
   *                                change object
   * @access private
  emitRangeChanges (range, screenDelta) {
    let startScreenRow = range.start.row
    let endScreenRow = range.end.row
    let lastRenderedScreenRow = this.getLastVisibleScreenRow()
    let firstRenderedScreenRow = this.getFirstVisibleScreenRow()

    if (screenDelta == null) {
      screenDelta = (lastRenderedScreenRow - firstRenderedScreenRow) -
                    (endScreenRow - startScreenRow)

    let changeEvent = {
      start: startScreenRow,
      end: endScreenRow,
      screenDelta: screenDelta

    this.emitter.emit('did-change-decoration-range', changeEvent)

   * Removes a `Decoration` from this minimap.
   * @param  {Decoration} decoration the decoration to remove
   * @emits  {did-change} when the decoration is removed
   * @emits  {did-remove-decoration} when the decoration is removed
  removeDecoration (decoration) {
    if (decoration == null) { return }

    let marker = decoration.marker
    let subscription

    delete this.decorationsById[decoration.id]

    subscription = this.decorationUpdatedSubscriptions[decoration.id]
    if (subscription != null) { subscription.dispose() }

    subscription = this.decorationDestroyedSubscriptions[decoration.id]
    if (subscription != null) { subscription.dispose() }

    delete this.decorationUpdatedSubscriptions[decoration.id]
    delete this.decorationDestroyedSubscriptions[decoration.id]

    let decorations = this.decorationsByMarkerId[marker.id]
    if (!decorations) { return }


    let index = decorations.indexOf(decoration)
    if (index > -1) {
      decorations.splice(index, 1)

      this.emitter.emit('did-remove-decoration', {
        marker: marker,
        decoration: decoration

      if (decorations.length === 0) {

   * Removes all the decorations registered for the passed-in marker.
   * @param  {Marker} marker the marker for which removing its decorations
   * @emits  {did-change} when a decoration have been removed
   * @emits  {did-remove-decoration} when a decoration have been removed
  removeAllDecorationsForMarker (marker) {
    if (marker == null) { return }

    let decorations = this.decorationsByMarkerId[marker.id]
    if (!decorations) { return }

    for (let i = 0, len = decorations.length; i < len; i++) {
      let decoration = decorations[i]

      this.emitter.emit('did-remove-decoration', {
        marker: marker,
        decoration: decoration


   * Performs the removal of a decoration for a given marker.
   * @param  {Marker} marker the marker for which removing decorations
   * @access private
  removedAllMarkerDecorations (marker) {
    if (marker == null) { return }


    delete this.decorationsByMarkerId[marker.id]
    delete this.decorationMarkerChangedSubscriptions[marker.id]
    delete this.decorationMarkerDestroyedSubscriptions[marker.id]

   * Removes all the decorations that was created in the current `Minimap`.
  removeAllDecorations () {
    for (let id in this.decorationMarkerChangedSubscriptions) {

    for (let id in this.decorationMarkerDestroyedSubscriptions) {

    for (let id in this.decorationUpdatedSubscriptions) {

    for (let id in this.decorationDestroyedSubscriptions) {

    for (let id in this.decorationsById) {

    this.decorationsById = {}
    this.decorationsByMarkerId = {}
    this.decorationMarkerChangedSubscriptions = {}
    this.decorationMarkerDestroyedSubscriptions = {}
    this.decorationUpdatedSubscriptions = {}
    this.decorationDestroyedSubscriptions = {}