'use babel'
import Mixin from 'mixto'
import { CompositeDisposable } from 'atom'
* Provides methods to manage minimap plugins.
* Minimap plugins are Atom packages that will augment the minimap.
* They have a secondary activation cycle going on constrained by the minimap
* package activation. A minimap plugin life cycle will generally look
* like this:
* 1. The plugin module is activated by Atom through the `activate` method
* 2. The plugin then register itself as a minimap plugin using `registerPlugin`
* 3. The plugin is activated/deactivated according to the minimap settings.
* 4. On the plugin module deactivation, the plugin must unregisters itself
* from the minimap using the `unregisterPlugin`.
* @access public
export default class PluginManagement extends Mixin {
* Returns the Minimap main module instance.
* @return {Main} The Minimap main module instance.
provideMinimapServiceV1 () { return this }
* Initializes the properties for plugins' management.
* @access private
initializePlugins () {
* The registered Minimap plugins stored using their name as key.
* @type {Object}
* @access private
this.plugins = {}
* The plugins' subscriptions stored using the plugin names as keys.
* @type {Object}
* @access private
this.pluginsSubscriptions = {}
* Registers a minimap `plugin` with the given `name`.
* @param {string} name The identifying name of the plugin.
* It will be used as activation settings name
* as well as the key to unregister the module.
* @param {MinimapPlugin} plugin The plugin to register.
* @emits {did-add-plugin} with the name and a reference to the added plugin.
* @emits {did-activate-plugin} if the plugin was activated during
* the registration.
registerPlugin (name, plugin) {
this.plugins[name] = plugin
this.pluginsSubscriptions[name] = new CompositeDisposable()
let event = { name: name, plugin: plugin }
this.emitter.emit('did-add-plugin', event)
if (atom.config.get('minimap.displayPluginsControls')) {
this.registerPluginControls(name, plugin)
* Unregisters a plugin from the minimap.
* @param {string} name The identifying name of the plugin to unregister.
* @emits {did-remove-plugin} with the name and a reference
* to the added plugin.
unregisterPlugin (name) {
let plugin = this.plugins[name]
if (atom.config.get('minimap.displayPluginsControls')) {
delete this.plugins[name]
let event = { name: name, plugin: plugin }
this.emitter.emit('did-remove-plugin', event)
* Toggles the specified plugin activation state.
* @param {string} name The name of the plugin.
* @param {boolean} boolean An optional boolean to set the activation
* state of the plugin. If ommitted the new plugin
* state will be the the inverse of its current
* state.
* @emits {did-activate-plugin} if the plugin was activated by the call.
* @emits {did-deactivate-plugin} if the plugin was deactivated by the call.
togglePluginActivation (name, boolean) {
let settingsKey = `minimap.plugins.${name}`
if (boolean !== undefined && boolean !== null) {
atom.config.set(settingsKey, boolean)
} else {
atom.config.set(settingsKey, !atom.config.get(settingsKey))
* Deactivates all the plugins registered in the minimap package so far.
* @emits {did-deactivate-plugin} for each plugin deactivated by the call.
deactivateAllPlugins () {
for (let [name, plugin] of this.eachPlugin()) {
this.emitter.emit('did-deactivate-plugin', { name: name, plugin: plugin })
* A generator function to iterate over registered plugins.
* @return An iterable that yield the name and reference to every plugin
* as an array in each iteration.
* eachPlugin () {
for (let name in this.plugins) {
yield [name, this.plugins[name]]
* Updates the plugin activation state according to the current config.
* @param {string} name The identifying name of the plugin to update.
* @emits {did-activate-plugin} if the plugin was activated by the call.
* @emits {did-deactivate-plugin} if the plugin was deactivated by the call.
* @access private
updatesPluginActivationState (name) {
let plugin = this.plugins[name]
let pluginActive = plugin.isActive()
let settingActive = atom.config.get(`minimap.plugins.${name}`)
let event = { name: name, plugin: plugin }
if (settingActive && !pluginActive) {
this.emitter.emit('did-activate-plugin', event)
} else if (pluginActive && !settingActive) {
this.emitter.emit('did-deactivate-plugin', event)
* When the `minimap.displayPluginsControls` setting is toggled,
* this function will register the commands and setting to manage the plugin
* activation from the minimap settings.
* @param {string} name The identifying name of the plugin.
* @param {MinimapPlugin} plugin The plugin instance to register
* controls for.
* @listens {minimap.plugins.${name}} listen to the setting to update
* the plugin state accordingly.
* @listens {minimap:toggle-${name}} listen to the command on `atom-workspace`
* to toggle the plugin state.
* @access private
registerPluginControls (name, plugin) {
let settingsKey = `minimap.plugins.${name}`[name] = {
type: 'boolean',
default: true
if (atom.config.get(settingsKey) === undefined) {
atom.config.set(settingsKey, true)
this.pluginsSubscriptions[name].add(atom.config.observe(settingsKey, () => {
this.pluginsSubscriptions[name].add(atom.commands.add('atom-workspace', {
[`minimap:toggle-${name}`]: () => {
* When the `minimap.displayPluginsControls` setting is toggled,
* this function will unregister the commands and setting that
* was created previously.
* @param {string} name The identifying name of the plugin.
* @access private
unregisterPluginControls (name) {
delete this.pluginsSubscriptions[name]